ALERTE : Trump promet 500 milliards de LEND LEASE à l'Ukraine



il y a 8 mois

According to Pompeo and Urban, however, “There's no evidence that such capitulation will be part of President Trump's policy,” and they point to various policies enacted by the Trump administration that they say serve as “evidence to the contrary.”

In terms of direct support for Ukraine, the authors propose a “$500 billion ‘lend-lease' program,” comparing it to the assistance rendered by the U.S. to Britain during World War II, which they believe is a way to “send a clear signal to Mr. Putin that he will never win.” To further drive the point home, they suggest lifting “all restrictions on the type of weapons Ukraine can obtain and use.”



il y a 8 mois

Not ready pour la surmilitarisation de l'Ukraine sous l'ère Trump, Poutine est finito